Welcome to the Nanaimo Heart Sisters - a support group for women living on Central Vancouver Island, BC, who have experienced heart or stroke health issues.

Our group’s mission is to create a safe and supportive space for women of all ages who want to share their experiences about surviving heart disease or stroke incidents in their lives.

Fair Care Alliance fighting to expand health care for Central and North Island residents

The Fair Care Alliance is a coalition of concerned medical, healthcare, business and community professionals and citizens who are fighting to ensure fair access to health care for the 460,000 people living north of Victoria, in Central and North Vancouver Island.

Specifically, the Alliance is advocating for a cardiac cath lab and patient tower to be built at an expanded Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.

To sign the Fair Care Alliance petition to support the building of a cardiac cath lab and patient tower at an expanded Nanaimo Regional General Hospital visit the Alliance’s petition page.

The Nanaimo Heart Sisters attended the standing-room only community rally in support of the Fair Care Alliance initiative at Beban Park Auditorium on September 12, 2024.

Heart Sisters Joanne Booth (left) and Shelley Wilkins Wallace (right).

Diabetes Canada 2023 Impact Report

Every three minutes, someone in Canada is diagnosed with diabetes. To learn about the progress Diabetes Canada has made in the past year, including record-breaking research investments, and initiatives designed to address the stigma and misconceptions around diabetes, read the 2023 Impact Report.

Did you know?*

From the Heart & Stroke Foundation:

Spring 2024 - The latest Heart & Stroke Foundation report focusses on stroke - Spring 2024 Impact Report

Winter 2024 - New Heart & Stroke Foundation report - Winter 2024 Impact Report

Heart - Extending heart health for aging - Dr. Susan Howlett targets frailty to help you live healthier, longer. Especially women.

Stroke - “I am here for a reason.” Lynne’s Indigenous culture helped sustain her through a devastating stroke

Interesting links about how to prevent and manage heart disease and stroke:

  • Feel Healthy with Dr. Scott Lear - Visit this blog written by a Vancouver-based professor at Simon Fraser University who conducts research into the prevention and management of heart disease focusing on supporting healthy lifestyles. Dr. Lear also holds the Pfizer/Heart and Stroke Foundation Chair in Cardiovascular Prevention Research at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, BC.

  • Latest Heart & Stroke research breakthroughs - Read about the work researchers are doing to beat heart failure and stroke

  • The impact of COVID-19 - Learn how the coronavirus has impacted people living with heart disease or stroke

  • Island Health - Heart Health Services - Find out about the Island Heath services for those living with cardiac disorders